Charles Ebebe – Praise
Charles Ebebe is a young talented Nigerian Gospel minister from Akwa ibom base in Lagos..
A chef and a true lover of Christ ..
The song “praise” is about Thanksgiving and telling the owner of life that we’re not ungrateful.
To all the worshiper in the world that has breath,raise it let heaven hear you!!!
(Shout & all instrument)
Celebrate Jesus in this place..
Africa Are you ready to praise? Are you ready?
I am here to praise…
I’m here to praise…
Praise,I’m here to honour & give you praise,I i’m Here to honour & give you praise.
Now turn to you neighbor, turn to your neighbor,say! we’re here to praise…
we’re here to praise…
Praise, we’re here to honour & give you praise, we’re here to honour & give you praise.
Are we ready to praise (again)
I have seen your love, I’ve seen your grace, I’ve Seen your help, I’ve seen your glory.
For the miracles, victory & favor I’m here to give You praise,I am here to honour & give you praise.
For the wife you give, the husband you give, the Awesome children, for the open doors.
For the breakthrough we receive we’re here to give You praise,we’re here to honour & give you praise.
we’re here to honour & give you praise (again)
Your name is the strong tower,no other God you Remain the same, your name is the way maker no Other God you remain the same.
Your name is the strong tower,no other God you Remain the same, your name is the way maker no other God you remain the same.
Your name is the great healer no other God you Remain the same, your name is the game changer No other God you remain the same.
Your name is the great healer no other God you Yemain the same, your name is the game changer No other God you remain the same.
Hallelujah to your holy name, we’re here to honour And give you praise, we’re here to honour & give You praise (again)
Do I have someone that knows about God’s Goodness & his unfailing Love in this place.
Please join me,let us pour out our heart with the Lifting of our hands to worship this Great God of Israel,for we could have been thrown so low like a Dust if not for his mercies & his grace,our God Deserves our worship & more.
For all the benefit lord, Abba father as your Children daddy we say thank you,& we cannot be Silent,we will worship your holy name till the day You come.
For You’re so reliable & kind,and we will always Remain in this realm of gratitude oh God.
You’re faithful.
Hallelujah to your holy name, we’re here to honour And give you praise, we’re here to honour & give You praise (Again)
Stream and download below…

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