Nigerian next rated minister Emmishine is an Uyo Base gospel music minister, who is help by the Holy Spirit and by the help of the holy Spirit he has drop a lot of Songs to the glory of God, songs like ” I CAN NOT GIVE“, I’M A SUCCESS, I’VE DECIDED, SPECIALIST, SOSONO, and more, He is here again with another spirit fill song ” MIRACLE GOD”
You are a miracle God
You are a miracle God
Your name is miracle
You are a miracle God
You are a miracle God
You are a miracle God
Your name is miracle
You are a miracle God
Anywhere you go
You do miracle
Anywhere you enter
You do miracle
Anywhere you go
You do miracle
Anywhere you enter
You do miracle
You are a miracle God
You are a miracle God
Your name is miracle
You are a miracle God
You are a miracle God
You are a miracle God
Your name is miracle
You are a miracle God
Anywhere you go
You do miracle
Anywhere you enter
You do miracle
Anywhere you go
You do miracle
Anywhere you enter
you do miracle
What you say you’ll do
That’s what you will do
You never fail
You are miracle God
What you say you’ll do
That’s what you will do
You never change
You are a miracle God
What you say you’ll do
That’s what you will do
You never fail
You are a miracle God
What you say you’ll do
That’s what you will do
You never change
You are a miracle God
What you say you’ll do
That’s what you will do
You never fail
You are a miracle God
What you say you’ll do
That’s what you will do
You never change
You are a miracle God
You are a miracle God
You are a miracle God
Your name is miracle
You are a miracle God
You are a miracle God
You are a miracle God
Your name is miracle
You are a miracle God
Anywhere you go
You do miracle
Anywhere you enter
You do miracle
Anywhere you go
You do miracle
Anywhere you enter
You do miracle
Anywhere you go
You do miracle
Anywhere you enter
You do miracle
Anywhere you go
You do miracle
Anywhere you enter
You do miracle
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